2024 – Life Post The World Changing…
Hello! Seems like a lifetime since I’ve written on this platform. And I guess, it kind of is. Nothing is the same. The Entire World has changed since my last post.
Zero Waste took a mammoth hit during C**id and Our Planet suffered for it. The sheer amount of single-use masks and disposable plastic gloves that were used… *Ugh* I shudder… And that’s just the tip of the Disposable Planet Ice Berg!
We made life-changing decisions during this last season.. We sold up our suburban life and made the move to the countryside, literally.
We exchanged a 600sqm block for 40 acres. Swapped Modern convenience for a 70-year-old farmhouse that needs renovating and Tank Water.
Life is different here in the country. Nothing moves fast. Life is at a pace that people living in the city could only dream of. We still run our business from home.
(The one modern convenience we still have is the internet 🛜, Praise God!)
We have dairy cows, chickens, a goose (long story) haha 😂
We have embedded ourselves in the local church and community. The local op shops now know my children & me quite well, as moving always brings cleaning out and needing to replace items.
Miss 14 (how did that happen?!) sews 🧵 crochets 🧶 and has a passion for dance…
Master 12 loves anything that involves basketball 🏀 weapons (hunting, wood chopping etc) and of course gaming haha 😂
We have had my parents living with us for the last 16 months as they were building their own residence on our farm. Praise God that’s now complete and they’ve relocated to their new place and we are re-adjusting to having our home to ourselves 👌
Homeschooling is still our thing, hello two highschoolers for 2024 😳
We practice what we preach as best we can. We have multiple compost heaps, veggies and seedlings constantly on the go.
Our chickens supply our family and a couple of other families with eggs 🥚
We collect any bottles, cans etc that enter our home and use the “Containers for Change” program that’s available out here.
We cook from fresh ingredients and try to create homemade versions of everything we need/want.
Christmas just past 🎄 was homemade/homegrown/locally sourced gifts 🎁 once more.
Our family and friends are starting to finally get used to our way of gifting.
They now expect bread, relishes, eggs, something sewn with love or thrifted with care.
Hoping to do more posts as time goes on, however, life is always moving and sitting still to write is a luxury that rarely happens…
Feel free to email me with any questions/queries – zerowasteliving.com.au@gmail.com